Here's the latest dazzling demo from Toronto dev Lee Vermeulen, showing off what's possible in Modbox, his multiplayer sandbox game platform:
Concept for AR editing with Bing Maps API in Modbox. Can zoom out and pan with controllers - world map is then shown to place a building-size sign across the street from my condo...
The 3D map is generated at runtime with real world scale (I just set the latitude/longitude) and shows as soon as I zoom out. If I had been able to walk up to the placed sign the giant scale of it would have been more clear.
That last point from this Twitter thread on the demo, where Vermeulen confirms that yes, when he places the sign in the 3D map, it then seems to appears in the real world -- in real time:
I wish I got occlusion working better then the idea would have been more clear. I had problems with the outside railing (I wanted to place a giant zombie, to get a better sense of scale). But that Sign is indeed building size, and across the street.
Amazing use of Microsoft's map API. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft offered to buy Modbox and integrated it with Bing Maps and Windows Mixed Reality.
See more Vermeulen amazing-ness: