Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Ethelric’s photostream is small but mighty. With just thirty-five photos it is full of striking photos from several MMO games. “Remembering the ones lost” is dramatic, not just because it is in black and white but thanks to a close crop that is off center and angled to suggest movement. It is pure drama.
“Streets of Paris” is similar to “Remembering Ones Lost” in being limited in color, off-center, and at an angle, but the mood is completely different. The yellow is bright and bold. Our eyes are drawn forward into the picture by the street’s leading lines. I like how the people walking down the street are all angled slightly to the left but the avatar is angled to the right suggesting action, moving into the picture.
Ethelric likes panoramic photos and this one is extraordinary. Again, he uses angles to suggest movement. The avatar is placed closer to the edge of the photo, something uncommon in composition but it works because it suggests stealth, being apart from the scene, waiting to move into it.
Be sure you check out the rest of his stream, there are stunning panoramic photos of beautiful landscapes from many different games. Sadly, it seems he is no longer contributing photos from his game play, because his work would only improve over time.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.