While Lumiya, the popular SL viewer for Android devices, was recently removed for unknown reasons from Google Play, it's still currently available on SlideME, a curated market for Android apps. I'm not too familiar with SlideME but it's recommended by some Android news outlets as a popular alternative to Google Play. More key, Lumiya creator Alina Lyvette herself recommends SlideME as a Google Play alternative, especially for people who to want to purchase a copy from her using PayPal. Some SLers have pointed to alternate sources for Lumiya which might be unauthorized/ripped copies, and of course, it's far better that Alina get the sales: Go here to buy it on SlideME.
Speaking of Alina, still hoping to hear from her directly -- if you're an acquaintance of hers, please let her know!
Hat tip: Eli Smith, via an SL-related Facebook page.
Linden Lab brought the ban hammer down on her for not selling to them her intellectual property in the viewer.
Posted by: Hanna | Tuesday, May 07, 2019 at 07:08 AM
According to the notice sent through the Lumiya inworld group, the reason for the delisting on Google play was because of a change in SMS policy from Google.
Lumiya has a backup feature for chat so if it uses SMS to send those then that's probably what it refers to.
I know a lot of popular apps that use SMS also got hit recently for the same kind of thing and without being updated in time apps get removed automatically.
According to the notice they're working on getting re-published as soon as they can.
Posted by: Mondy | Friday, May 10, 2019 at 09:42 AM
And btw, Lumiya is not banned, just removed from the TPV list which isn't a requirement for connecting to the grid anyway.
Cool VL, a pretty decent desktop client has never been in the TPV list either. (for reasons explained on the Cool VL website)
Posted by: Mondy | Friday, May 10, 2019 at 09:46 AM
Buy? I bought it already in Google play and I have to pay for it again?
Posted by: Julio | Wednesday, October 02, 2019 at 10:25 AM
Yeah pretty harsh I paid for this app on google play now I have to buy it again bit unfair just disable SMS thing or whatever needs to get it relisted
Posted by: Scarlet the Fox | Friday, December 27, 2019 at 03:36 AM