Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I love “Big Picture” by Evie Heights. It is very representative of her entire photostream which is full of pictures that appear casually captured in the moment. There is an artful unstudied effect. The thing is, we know what it’s like taking a picture in Second Life. It takes a lot of work to make a picture look so spontaneous. But look how her body angle mirrors the angle of the flowers. I also love her use of color, of using the purple/yellow complementary colors. There are so many thoughtful choices made that mentioning she also centers the subject using the Rule of Thirds feels redundant.
One of the most irritating Flickr trends in SL is the abundance of horizontal pictures taken in hopes of being selected as a group header. This should not be your goal in taking a picture. Your goal should be a great picture. In “Old School” Evie shows how you can pursue two goals at once - taking an excellent compelling picture that could be cropped for a group header with ease.
The composition of this seemingly casual photo is complex. Note that the umbrella takes up the left hand third of the photo while the house takes the right hand third. Now, imagine a 45° angle going up from the lower left and down from the upper right. The subject lies within that diagonal box.
“Breakdown” is my favorite of her stream. It makes me think of Toulouse Lautrec for some reason. Lautrec is more impressionistic than this and really it’s more like Gauguin with the broad swathes of color. However, there is this louche kind of feeling to the picture. That’s what makes me think of Lautrec, I guess.
Be sure to check out the rest of her photos and follow her. She has less than a thousand followers which is very low for someone whose work is so arresting.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.