Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I love ‘Breath of Air’ by Love Lethecus. It looks like she played with light leak layers and fabric layers in a collage with a pose of her avatar. She used colors that match and complement her avatar’s dress making it seem as though she is coming out of the flux of color.
Love Lethecus is an experimenter and many of her photos are full of multiple layers of light, textures, and text, but then you come across a picture that is striking in its simplicity like “Childhood Dreaming.” I love how the kite string, kite, sun, and buoy make a nearly equilateral triangle.
“A Part of Jose’s World” is a lovely, romantic photo with the mermaid curved around the moon. The moonlit water sprinkles merged into the starlight. Which piece of light is from a star or the moon’s reflection on water.
Love Lethecus experiments all the time, trying new techniques and styles. That makes her photostream a bit uneven, but always exciting because when she masters one style she moves on to another, never resting on her laurels.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.