Rec Room, now running in second place in everyday usage behind VRChat (in terms of next generation, VR-facing social worlds), just announced the open beta for Rec Room on most iPad and iPhone devices. Here's how to get it:
- Ensure you have a supported device by checking here
- If you do, download the Apple TestFlight app from the App store
- Click this link (on your iOS device) to join the Rec Room iOS beta
- Report bugs and give us your feedback here!
Watch some early user video below. Interesting that it seems to be a first-person only experience, so that the mobile version isn't too different from the full VR version. Some Rec Room community members have grumbled that the game seems to be moving away from being VR centric, but if the iOS version drives much more usage, I think it's likely those complaints will die down.
Had the access through. I'm running on iphone 6s plus whilst its screen recording. this is very impressive. all the buttons and interactions are there and easy to find. the camera worked and I tried paintball. Rec Room is taking over all platforms. Amazing
— MartinRisbyVR (@MartinRisbyVR) August 23, 2019