Linden Lab developers on the Sansar team, Lacie and Galileo Linden, just hosted an Ask Me Anything on Reddit which is bursting with pretty fascinating questions and answers. (Many of them, unsurprisingly, are actually about Second Life.) One notable thread started by "May_I_Be_Frank" delves into a topic the company is usually very reluctant to talk about -- virtual porn:
Is Sansar still taking the position that it won't allow adult content? My understanding of Second Life is that the vast majority of its stable income stream is from adult activity - either directly or indirectly. Is that wrong? If it's not wrong, what market is Sansar after here that other platforms don't already provide?
Lacie at first replies with an answer from the SL team at Linden Lab, "While adult activity is popular in Second Life, it only accounts for a fraction of the overall economic and social ecosystem"... but when pressed to be more specific, comes back with this from the Second Life staff:
So, there are many ways to look at this, so it’s hard to give a true split. In the narrowest definition, it’s under 5% of our revenues. Of course, there are lots of ways to consider adult content’s indirect impact, and that could probably be a larger share of revenues.
So that "Under 5%" comes with a heavy caveat. For instance, 25% of the entire Second Life land mass is Adult-rated to allow extreme sex and violence,which is a whole other topic. Presumably "under 5%" refers to genitals for avatars, sex animations, and all the other necessary particulars for pixel sex -- i.e., all the items which inevitably led to the unfair branding of Second Life as a game for people who can't have sex in real life.
Speaking of which, Linden Lab's team was pretty adamant that adult content is not coming to Sansar anytime soon -- in part because Sansar has established relationships with major corporations:
Judging By My Inventory, "5% of Second Life Content is Adult" Sounds About Right -- Comment of the Week
Pictured: Cassie Middles' Inventory Management Tutorial
Lots of readers guffawed at a Linden Lab staffer's claim that just 5% of its Second Life revenue comes from Adult-rated content, but reader "irihapeti" took a look at her inventory, and...
And 18,884 is on the low side, for a typical Second Life user! In any case, here's the what the rest of her inventory looks like (and this is probably similar for most other SLers):
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Posted on Monday, September 30, 2019 at 02:19 PM in Comment of the Week, Economics of SL, Sex and Romance | Permalink | Comments (9)
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