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Tuesday, November 26, 2019


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camilia fid3lis nee Patchouli Woollahra

An article about Second Life that isn't full of doomsaying? From a magazine that's firmly about games? IT'S A MIRACLE.

Clara Seller

That was a good article. Pretty grounded. It makes me feel a little sad for Second Life, as I've been reading a book about Judy Garland, and I can't help making some connections between the two in my head. The theme seems to be about something truly unique getting destroyed by unrealistic expectations, parasites, and hostile disappointment that will never be satisfied until until they force it to buckle under all of that weight.

I'd prefer that Second Life's tombstone not read " You should have just taken care of it and loved it for what it is. It gave you more than you deserved".

Arwyn Quandry

I found SL through exactly these kinds of books. First Hamlet's book, when it was featured in the new reads section of my local library, and then through the ones mentioned in the article, all around 2008. Even at the time, the guides were dated. Yet there's something hilariously charming and earnest in books written about ever evolving digital worlds. It's like the Dummies guides to Facebook. They remind me of a well meaning grandparent, trying to bridge the gap between new and old, and landing somewhere in the middle, out of touch but so genuinely excited about the technology that you can forgive their mistakes.

Iggy 1.0

Amazing how fast a decade passes. And yet SL is still there, even if many of us are not. This article reminded me of the promise and the peril of SL.

After reading the piece, I realized, with a decade's hindsight, how silly it was for most of my fellow educators to even try to promote the space. After all, as the author so aptly puts it for business users, "why talk your clients into conducting business in an environment that also caters to Gorean slave girls in the first place?"

Business meeting: then run out to collar a Kajira. I cannot even imagine, on today's more "Woke" campuses, how trying to use SL would go, given some of its subcultures. Of course, other subcultures in SL would cater to precisely those changed realities on campus.

And still. Just try, my esteemed colleagues, to explain Gor to an IRB committee or Associate Dean overseeing budget. My mesh tophat's off to you if you try and don't lose your job. The more controversial communities in SL explain, in part, why some researchers decided to leave the virtual world. When I go very infrequently to the once-vital SL roundtable where I was an officer, you don't find anyone with a lot of status or doing real research any longer. Nice folks, but the action for researchers has moved to other spaces online and IRL.

But the Kool-Aid from Cory and Philip sure tasted good, 10+ years ago. Your world, your imagination.


I sometimes wonder what SL would be now if Philip Rosedale had not left when he did. His hands were often tied as to what direction he wanted to take. That is evidenced in the reflections of High Fidelity. I think many of us would agree that neither Sansar, nor HiFi would exist today.

Luther Weymann

I spend my time in SL fiddling with my store and exploring the mainland. The Public Works Group and the Mole group have built some tremendous virtual world projects that I admire. But the overwhelming thing I take away from SL is how "humble" it is, and I mean that in the nicest way. There are so many mainland parcels with humble houses that have been in the same place for over fifteen years. Those people keep their 512 and 1024’s, pay their yearly premium account and just keep going in SL. There are tiny stores that are rented in shopping areas where ladies to the best of their humble ability have made 5-10 pieces of classic women’s clothing many years ago, and they pay their rent year after year and as a long-time retailer in SL I know they sell maybe nothing each year. But it’s their pride, they made something, they have this business, they have a location and it means something to them that they accomplished that even if no one ever walks in their store door. There are so many places like that. I have spent many thousands of hours over the last sixteen years roaming the mainland grid and my only hope is that the management of Linden Research is well aware of how much being in SL has meant to some of us and has seen the humble side of SL themselves. SecondLife may be just a wireframe and a database but if you look much deeper there is so much love, sweat, tears, lost dreams, and billions of hours of labor from so many people that needed something to accomplish in their lives and SL gave them that opportunity. If I ever meet Phil Rosedale I will profusely thank him.

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