Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I am in love with Xoyuutaox’s. I don’t understand their pictures, but I don’t care. They are exciting and visually interesting. Take this photo with two avatars who seem to be the center of a maelstrom of activity with fish, black ink, and fans. Whether intentional or not, it feels as though the items are coming from their colorful kimonos. The yellow fan on the right seems to reflect the color in the center of the black flower the avatar on the right is wearing while the same is true of the red on the left. In my head, I imagine the kimono print escaping. Perhaps if we come back in 20 minutes they will be plain black kimonos.
I love the dream in this photo from October. Tilting the avatar just a bit exaggerates the dramatic lean of the pose. He seems to be a singer in a band, but his bandmates have expired. I love the bright pink and the repetition of black and white throughout. For some reason, perhaps the pose, this makes me think of Bowie.
Here they are again surrounded by flying objects. They themselves are on a broom, so is their cat. Perhaps they are going to wizarding school or maybe they are working on an essay and handily, the paper just follows along. That’s what I love about these photos. I am completely lost and free to imagine anything, and I can resist trying to fit them into a story.
Be sure to check out the entire photostream. Xoyuutaox doesn't produce many pictures, a little more than one a month, but nearly every picture is a creative mystery to inspire so many stories.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.