Last chance to take this survey on whether you want to pay for the chance to change your SL name; I'll post the results tomorrow. In any case, it's definitely provoked a passionate conversation among readers. Here's some highlights:
I love having the limited selection as long as it's long enough, like in the old days. I can hardly wait to see the list of names and to see avatars that aren't stuck with "Resident." Currently I'm happy with my avatar names, so there's no reason to pay for new ones. I just wish that all those stuck with "Resident" could, without charge, add a last name from the list. So much nicer.
Please do not make us choose from a list of names. I doubt we will get what we want that way! Custom name is worth a fee, otherwise. Unless you have my last name I want, I'll keep the old one!
Sorry we took all those profits we collected from your $300.00 imaginary lands and used them to make a gigantic VR bonfire and dissed you in the process.
Luckily, in the ashes, we finally hear your pleas. Our little elves are working like mad to make a doohickey that will take us back in time to the days when we knew how to give people names. You'll need to pay a fee to pay a fee to get this amazing regifted fruitcake. Happy Holidays!
"Names" was on my 2011 Christmas List. In 2019, I want justice.
Linden Lab is just not very creative. I don't know why they haven't charged people to allow their Avs to breath. I mean they could just flip a switch and those who haven't become premium would just start choking and die a virtual death. "Subscibe to Premium today and Breath a little Easier"
-- Baron
Your poll is going to be skewed because it doesn't include an option for those who are happy with their name already. I have a legacy name and wouldn't change it if it was free because I like it.
I thought long and hard before choosing my SL name, and although I have a premium account, I have zero intention of ever changing my name.
Name changes should not require a premium account since Linden Lab is charging a name change fee on top of the premium membership account fee.
If someone wanted a name change and not an ongoing premium membership account, what would prevent people from signing up for a month or two, doing a name change then canceling the premium membership account? Would LL then reverse the name change which would require the same amount of work they are charging a fee for the initial name change? Though that would not surprise me since LL does not think a lot of things through before they dive in.
You should be able to pick your own name as long as it's not infringing on a copyright/trademarked brand name or the same name that has already been issued to a SL resident.
I understand why LL is looking for ways to generate more revenue since Sansar has become a money pit anchor that is not self-sustaining and requires the revenue that SL generates to keep it afloat however the fee based name change service should not be exclusive to premium membership accounts since it is a separate fee based service.
As many have said, I would pay if I could get exactly what I wanted. So a Custom name option would be preferable, unfortunately we now know it's gonna be a damn list again! They clearly don't learn, people stopped registration processes back in the day because they didn't want to pick from a list, which is why the Resident names were adopted. I agree it should be a separate payment,not just a Premium feature, but again, that's been decided.
Posted by: Ava | Monday, November 25, 2019 at 02:44 PM
I have no desire to change my name. But I feel like I should come from the “Linden Lab should be compared to VRChat” angle. So they allow a name change ever 3 months, for free. No subscription plans needed. Just a 3 month cooldown.
(It’s almost as if all of those server maintenance fees are completely made up)
Posted by: Adeon’s Writer | Monday, November 25, 2019 at 04:30 PM
There are a couple of names that date back to the earliest days of Second Life that should NEVER be considered at all for the limited list LL is proposing. Hitching their identity to something that was potentially going to vanish in under a year if things went bad at the time was a brave move, and we should respect that authenticity in some way or other.
Also to be kept off the list ideally: Any surnames firmly linked to recent politics or celebrities (figure anything in the past one to three decades), or known genocidal maniacs and dictators of any era should ever be considered.
Other than that, pretty much any surname that can be written in an Anglicised form and that does not come with an overly negative connotation should be allowed for consideration either in the initial release or future cycles.
We'll probably wind up with another CickMy Lunt anyway despite the best of intentions. Whatever the surname list ends up being, we should still keep an eye out for unfortunate name combos that cause genuine offense or celebrate undesirable deeds or people.
Posted by: camilia fid3lis nee Patchouli Woollahra | Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 02:47 AM
"we should still keep an eye out for unfortunate name combos that cause genuine offense"
Why in the world would anyone waste their time being such a busy-body? Offence is taken not caused, genuine or otherwise. If you don't like something, block the person and move on with your life instead of falling into their trap and allowing them to control your actions and feelings. Letting the Lindens police their platform and minding your own business is a much better thing to do.
Posted by: Summer Haas | Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 09:39 AM
Virtual Rip Van who logs in annually speaks up: I pay Premium for my little "Frank Lloyd Wrong" floating house, complete with artwork that is no-copy from friends who left SL.
Name? Change? No one can spell my current name, and if I changed it, I'd pick something equally silly. But it has none of those ridiculous characters newer players (I mean, Residents) put in to look more like the Artist Formerly Known as Prince (those of a certain RL age will recall when some of his called him "Squiggle" for his new "name").
Posted by: Iggy 1.0 | Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 12:43 PM