Simon Sonnenblume created this dazzling montage video tribute to the SL images of the avatar artist known as Tralala Loordes, every single one of them jaw-dropping. As it happens, Cajsa profiled Tralala for New World Notes a couple years ago, and her SL/RL background is just as fascinating:
RL/SL is almost a split personality thing. In RL I am a securities attorney specializing in international tax law. In SL I am the Diner lady specializing in questionable meat, which I call “locally sourced”. The Diner lady will serve you a cheeseburger but when's the last time you saw a real cow? I have played this character in Insilico and the Wastelands to name a few. The two personalities could not be further apart.
What was the first moment you knew you had found your personal identity/inspiration in SL?
For me it was a day I took a group tour of Insilico and saw the old Flopsie McArdle designed Diner. The tour guide explained the backstory which involved corporations, yakuzas, even criminal elements. And that it was for rent. I rented it the same day and it launched my entire next 7 years in SL. Sadly it was removed only 2 weeks ago by the Insilico builder.
Much more here. Interesting how her avatar looks strikingly like her IRL photo, albeit without wasps and whatever flying out of her mouth.
Via /SecondLife.