Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Nekonuko Nakamor’si “wandering world 751” caught my eye with its abstracted beauty. The silhouette of the avatar is obscured by mist and light, only a shadow seeming almost ghostlike. The colors are complementary and suggest such richness. I love it and it’s just one of so many beautiful wanderings on her photostream.
In “Wandering World 723” we see a very different location, urban, black and white, linear, and sort of noir, yet the sensibility remains. There is this studied serenity that seems to step back and appreciate the visual beauty of our world. She puts herself in every picture, but usually looking toward the scene, away from the camera, often to one side or the other, though this picture centers her, which makes sense with the linear elements, but note how she does not make the picture too centered. The Chrysler Building is off-center and that really makes the picture dynamic.
“Wandering World 715” is a little different from most of the pictures in her stream because it is clearly telling a story. There is a comic book quality to the picture that perfectly suits the time and place. And here’s a special treat, every picture has a SLurl to where she took the picture, so her wandering world photos will encourage your own travels.
Just opening up Nekonuko Nakamori is breathtaking. All her images are a square aspect ratio and they have this visual consistency that makes the array a work of art in itself.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
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