Confirming hints based on recent website/log-in changes, Linden Lab just confirmed Sansar's acquisition by a company called Wookey Project Corp.:
We are very excited to witness the unfolding of Sansar getting a fresh opportunity to thrive under the ownership of Wookey Project Corp., a San Francisco-based technology company that has assumed all operations without any interruption to operations or the Sansar community... Wookey Project Corp. continues to create a new generation of online AR/VR experiences that allow users the power of collaborative interaction through knowledge immersion.
Operations at Second Life are not impacted at all. The Second Life community will continue to be able to login and enjoy SL without any interruption. As for Linden Lab, many members of the Sansar team formerly employed by Linden Lab are staying with Sansar as employees under its new ownership.
Sansar's blog promises a sunny future for the social VR world, with "[m]ore cosplay karaoke, more zero-gravity game nights, more of the massive interstellar shows that Sansar’s known for - thousands joining from anywhere in the world for one-of-a-kind live performances."
As for Sansar's future as a Wookey world, you can get a hint at that by checking out Wookey's About page:
Wookey started from our own experience. Just like you, we saw the limitations of flat, one-dimensional internet interaction. With each experience, the frustration grew. It’s evident that algorithms are telling me what it wants, not hearing what I need.
What if we could create online experiences that were unbiased and arranged by relevance to us, not by advertisers or bias of company? We realized, with the right team and the right investors, we can.
Speaking of which, the current Wookey executive team lists no prior experience in the game industry, virtual worlds, or VR, with a CTO whose primary experience is described "[as] a developer who worked in the engine room of the Flash Player". However, the CEO, Jon Fried, actually displays his title on LinkedIn as "Interim Chief Executive Officer at Wookey" (emphasis mine), so presumably he's managing the transition to a new team of executives.
Everybody is more creative and smarter than Ll. Even Wookies.
Just sayin
Posted by: Klondike | Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 01:05 PM
The real victim was Blocksworld, now discontinued on the Google Playstore and no longer on linden labs about business page.
Blocksworld has been discontinued, when at one point it had hundreds of thousands of users and way more popularity.
Disappointed this guy came in badmouthing the last CEO's mini gaming empire, dismantling it, then over 5 years has run whats left into the ground.
Posted by: Ezra 2.0 | Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 05:16 PM
Isn't bragging about working on Flash kind of like putting navigator of the Titanic on your resume?
Posted by: FlipperPA | Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 05:55 AM
One-dimensional internet interacation? I see black for someone trying to do 3D when he obviously already has problems identifying the right number of dimensions present in a plane as found on a computer monitor...
Just saying...
Posted by: Fionalein | Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 09:12 AM