Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Ada Lovelace’s photostream is a very physical one, not in terms of action, but in terms of the geography of the body. While this untitled picture is not the usual body as landscape, it comes from the same frame that sees the form first, that can look past the details to the abstraction. She takes her portrait and turns it on its side and creates a completely new dynamic. It goes from being a lovely portrait to an exciting idea.
More exploration of the physical geography of the body after the cut. (Content warning: Artful, virtual nudity.)
“Rosebud” is breathtaking, isn’t it? There is the element of surprise. At least there was for me, the shock of realizing what I was looking at. I think is an incredibly sexy photo. We know how a petal feels like velvet and the sensitivity of tender flesh. We do not need explicit images when our imagination and memory is so powerful.
While I am a bit of a pixel prude myself, I do admire aesthetic erotic pictures like this. This untitled photo is fairly tame since she is wearing lingerie after all. Nonetheless, the landscape of her body, the rolling hills, inland valleys, and soft plains introduce us to the geography of femininity.
In “Cordillera de los Andes 1901”, Ada makes the connection between the human and the landscape geography explicit. Cordillera is the Spanish word for a mountain range and this mountain range has all the hills and valleys, rivers and deltas that create the beautiful geography of the female form.
Please check out Ada Lovelace’s photostream. It is extraordinary in beauty and originality. She has some interesting “Blasts from the Past” as well as beautiful erotica. Most of the photos are subtle and aesthetic, but probably should be viewed in privacy.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.