Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
LayersUponLayas is a fashion blog by Dreamy Lebed, AKA Laya Felisimo. This picture is from the post “From Me to You” inspired by the beloved Beatles song. I love the sunlight streaming into the room and absolutely must have that paper plane.
- Hair: Truth – Vivid Blondes
- Ears: Swallow – Charm Ears
- Glasses: Sleepy Eddy – Antique Glasses
- Cardigan: Cynful– Fuzzy Cardigan Nude
- Pose inc. Paper Plane: Le Poppycock – *Writers Block* The Art Of Procrastination
She’s reading a book in the next post with a title that made me laugh. Click through to find out what it is.
“Back to Sleep” is inspired by the Chris Brown song. Always curious about book titles, I zoomed in to see it is “How to Avoid Everything: Irresponsibility Made Easy.” Just as in the prior post, Dreamy created a slice-of-life.
- Hair: Stealthic – Dawn Brown Hud
- Head: Catwa – Lilly Bento Head
- Skin: Glam Affair – Gabrielle 007
- Ears: Swallow – Charm Ears
- Glasses: Sleepy Eddy – Boston Glasses Tortoiseshell
- Pose: Diversion – Avoidance Poses inc Book Prop **NEW @ TLC
LayersUponLayas is a striking blog. The header has just the title and a drop-down menu that links to her About, Contact, and Blogs I Follow pages. Then there is a infinite scroll of three pictures across that clink through to her posts. Scrolling you will see that she favors active poses that tell a story. She loves pose props and uses them generously, the paper plane, the book, or even a hula hoop. She includes logos for a few of the stores that are just as large as her own photo before the credits. I would suggest making them smaller, to fit across in one row, or doing away with them altogether. Other than that, I love the simplicity and sleek design of her blog.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.