Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
“Splash” by Angelika Corral is one of these pictures that bring me to a complete stop. So much of my time browsing I will page down and down and down almost mindlessly. I might pause and like a picture or two, but it’s seldom that I come to a full stop and look at the picture in its full-screen glory before I am thinking about writing about it. Corral is usually a black and white portraitist with only an occasional splash of color, but none quite so literal. I love the concept and think she executed it beautifully.
More stunning photos with Corral’s unique perspective on color.
“One Fish” was taken at Furillen. That was a shocker right there. These tropical colors are not what I think of when I think Furillen. I have been there several times and didn’t even notice the pool. I love that she went there and came away with a completely different color story than nearly everyone else. I also love how her avatar remains black and white as in so many of her pictures while the color and vibrancy are with the fish.
“A Little Closer” is a simple portrait, but so beautiful. Like many of her black and white portraits, she reminds me of Avedon with her simplicity. This is not black and white so it stands out from her usual work but it is desaturated so form remains the preeminent focus. Perhaps I simply love this because it makes me think of Twiggy.
Angelika Corral’s photostream is well worth following. All her pictures are consistently excellent and then there are the surprises that are true gems. It was difficult to choose just three for this column when there are stunning portraits like “Romance” and intriguing pictures like “Something Sweet” to choose from.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.