Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
The SL Bare Face Challenge has taken over Flickr, revealing the uncovered, unmade up faces of many avatars. This may be one of the most intriguing of the entries in that particular challenge, taking bare to a whole new level. It is also very typical of the sideways-minded Kobo Barracuda whose photostream reveals a love for roleplay, steampunk, and drama - the good kind of drama.
More uniquely Kobotacular photos ahead!
“Elder Bat” reveals that Kobo also has a great sense of humor. Everything is perfect, right down to the family photo behind the avatar. Thanks to this picture I was introduced to a new song that I love, “Raised by Bats.” If you don’t click through and listen while enjoying this picture, you’re missing out, It’s hilarious and perfect.
“The Doctor makes his rounds” is a nod to the coronavirus but true to his goth aesthetic. Perhaps if they looked like this, people would wear their masks.
Kobo Barracuda’s stream is an enjoyable run of goth and steampunk that I am sure those with a taste for the weird and wonderful will enjoy.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.