Filmmaker and animator Chadrick Scott (a fellow Linden Lab alum from back in the day) has been posting some seriously gorgeous computer animated clips like this to his Instagram. They began as real life video, but as Chadrick tells me, evolved into these fractal-like videos through some heavy post-processing via multiple programs.
"Starts with a [RL] model, but I use everything from After Effects to random apps. My favorite is Mirror Lab or Glitch Lab for the Android, but I don’t use that solely. Sometimes a piece of work will go through 5-6 programs before I put it up on Instagram."
His advice for achieving an affect along these lines:
"A BS in Animation helps, mostly just for learning varying concepts of animation," he says. "But if you are looking to play around, I would play with frame rates, filters and color. I would use apps like Oilist or Polygon Effect to define the art style first, and then decide if you want it to move. Check out Insta Toon as well.
"Basically, play with different effects and settings until you get what you want."
That CrowCatcher fellow is very talented. Nicely done, sir.
Posted by: FlipperPA | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 05:12 PM