Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
If you want to feel happy, just go to Gwin LeShelle’s photostream where a bright, cheerful world of kawaii pastels and brights wait to brighten your day. I love her photos because they make me feel happy. She manages to deal with a Flickr trend I don’t like, framing the photos sideways to make them good for group banners, in a way that does not drive me nuts. As you see, there is enough of an angle to make this a picture I can enjoy without turning my head or my screen. Seriously, folks, everyone and their cousin is turning their photos 90°, be original and turn it °45 to 60° or even not at all.
More kawaii happiness below:
I like this even more as it’s even closer to horizontal. I also like that Gwin’s photos capture someone enjoying life. Her pictures are often snaps of her and her friends doing things, even things like lolling on the beach with a dog. But where is her beach read?
“World Falls Down” strikes me as humorous and delightful. And you know, it’s easier to perceive the look at 180° than at 90°. I love this as it seems a bit of a sendup of the whole horizontal trend.
Please find your way to Gwin LeShelle’s photostream then follow her so anytime you’re feeling low and need a boost of joy and positivity, you can go there and browse and come away at least 45° happier.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
Awww omg thank you so much T^T <33
I am glad that you enjoy my pictures and that they brightened your day a little <33
It was delightful to read, and also made me giggle like a flustered schoolgirl x3
With the angled pics made me chuckle xD
because so true often (you totally got my hint with that one picture, it was an camera angle accident... it got stuck but I thought wah well just dooo it like dem big bloggers haha)
also I knooow from myself that I TAKE my blog pics like that inworld,
I do not turn them around later, because you get more details of the outfit AND backdrop on to the pic like that ^^
and when I turn them upside later they look weird to me so I just leave it like that xD
Not many of my pics have the right angle to qualify as a nice group cover because of my angle weirdness sadly? x3
And sad but true, as a blogger people you blog for require you to have a certain view count and I don't know why but Flickr is not catering upside pics to as many people as they do with horizontal pictures, I tested that quite often and you get about half less views with upside pictures <.<
Thats why my personal not blogged-for-someone artsy-pants pictures are usually upside because I don't caaare xD <33
Please stay happy and healthy and drink enough water during the hot days <3
Posted by: GwinLeShelle | Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 01:31 PM