Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Bee’s D.U.S.H.A. caught my eye with its brilliant chiaroscuro effect. It has the tone of light and shadow from the old Dutch masters, but really what it reminded me was an old SCTV sendup of Ingmar Bergman. If you watch it, you will understand. It must be the heat making me lightheaded. If you get a kick out Ingmar Bergman satires there is none better than De Dűva.I must confess my friends and I took to saying “H2Oska” for water for far too long.
More of her striking use of lighting that seems to add subtext to her photos.
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What It Would Take to Truly Upgrade Second Life (Comment of the Week)
Fascinating conversation in response to Luther Weymann's somber analysis of Second Life's prospects under new ownership, featuring many comments by readers who seem to be longtime veterans of the game/tech industry, or at least write with that level of expertise.
Among them is Russell Skyther, who wrote this really sharp breakdown of what it would take to upgrade Second Life. It's partly a response to an earlier comment arguing that "Updating SL isn't really all that hard cause they have done it is how we got mesh and rigged mesh and now animesh. They can continue to keep layering new content and it'll work just fine."
Skyther argues otherwise:
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Posted on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 02:52 PM in Comment of the Week, Linden Lab News & Analysis | Permalink | Comments (4)
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