Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Everlina Kindred has a different approach to blogging. She creates her pictures and provides what details she chooses to highlight on Flickr and uses her pictures to illustrate her diary which she posts to about twice a month. This pictures of for Entry #68 and in-character diary of her role play. This comes complete with a tarot reading
- Hair by Doux (Dam1710)
- Palazzo Jumpsuit by Sallie (Sallie Takao)
An earlier diary describing school activities next.
Diary Entry #56 is chock full of her activities as a student at Hogwarts, classes, duels, and chats with friends. She even worked in a visit to Hogsmeade. I love the humor and particularly this bit about ethics. “In Defense Against the Dark Arts with Vikander, we had a big talk about ethics. It was very… I suppose a good word would be profound, but it also gave me a bit of a headache.”
- Hair by Monso (Morphine Janick)
- Dress by ::{u.f.o}:: (charming Meiler}
- Ukulele by Junk Food ( Late Billig)
- Glasses by evermore. (etenaru)
I think Everlina Kindred’s diary is fun. It gives me a bit of insight into role-playing. She does not try to blog fashion there, leaving the information on her Flickr. That’s cool, but the information on Flickr is inadequate. She does not name the item making them hard to find in-world or on Marketplace and she does not provide the creators’ names. I understand not providing URLs given Flickr’s policy on marketing, but then the best help is always the creators name. I had to log in and inspect a ::U.F.O:: item in my inventory because I did not remember that stood for
So, enjoy her diary for what it is: the story of a student at Hogwarts. She does have a scrapbook where she provides fuller credits for an entire week at a time but not for the items in her diary.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
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