Devin Vaughn’s blog is called Bishie Style and is rich in story and creativity. His most recent post is Mainframe: The Shipping Drones.The post made me laugh as it lightly touched on current events in an oblique way.
STORYLINE: The Wasp Virus was raging in the Mainframe. Highly developed Cyborgs were locked in hibernation mode. How would the mail get through? Enter an unexpected hero… an old series Solares Cargo Drone. It would be up to little drones to keep things running until the contagion could be purged from the system.
When the mail service in the United States is being eaten away from within, with massive delays in delivery of prescriptions and other mail. I have not even received junk mail since last Friday. But it is good to get a little satirical commentary with a very light touch. Most everything is at the Mainframe event, so the shopping will be easy.
On him, Shipping Drone Hydra:
- Helmet: LANEVO HYDRA MASK fatpack [mesh](Mainframe)(780L)
- Waist: Wicca's Originals Cryo Chest Maitreya [mesh](Mainframe)(599L)
- Powerchip: Astara Chip-n0Mix Power Chip, gacha [mesh](Mainframe)(25L)
- Necklace: L'Emporio&PL Bionic Necklace Male [mesh](Mainframe)(350L)
- Armbands: A&Y Cyber Bunke Arm Booster Male[mesh](390L)
- Muffler: KROVA Muffler [mesh](150L)
- Body, skin: TheShops [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0) [mesh](5000L)
- Pod: Cerridwens Cauldron [CC] XB Pod White/Low Res Textures [mesh](Mainframe)(250L)
- Cargo Drone & Crates: Solares Cargo Drone, Crates animated [mesh](Mainframe)(409L)
And for an adventure under the sea, click below:
I love octopi. This made me happy. And like every post, there is a story. This is an adorable story.
STORYLINE: Hidden in the dark, a dangerous stealthy predator waited, his many tentacles coiled ready to snatch his prey out of the open ocean. He was about to take down a Great White Shark that dared to stray into his territory when suddenly a school of tiny female Dumbo Octopus surrounded him. He waved his arms to shoo them away, but the girls seemed to be quite smitten with him, latching on him with their tiny cute little arms. But one of them was too nervous and accidentally inked. She was so embarrassed she hid in his coils.
Most of the elements are from two events, Aenigma and Mainframe.
On Him, The Octopus:
- Pets: Clover Tentacle prosthetics [mesh](Mainframe)(399L)
- Tattoo: Lilithe Scylla Tattoos - Faded [BOM](Aengima)(250L)
- Tongue: unstable Eldrich's Curse [Animmesh](Aengima)(250L)
- Pet: Naminoke *N*Dumbo Octopus, Bubble blues [mesh](Aengima)(333L)
- Makeup: Gorsimi Nar Mattaru <Nar> Sea Witch {Black} [BOM](Aengima)(325L)
- Necklace: Gorsimi Tentakkel Necklace [mesh](Aengima)(350L)
- Materials: THIS IS WRONG Wire (male pack)(399L)
- Membrane: Immersion Remnant of Araushnee Hand Membrane gianni[mesh]
- Cloth: Noche Tyler Loin Cloth Black [mesh](249L)
- Hair: Weather or Not <!WorN?> Octohairs matte seagreen [mesh](265L)
- Claws: L'Emporio&PL Oblio Vampire Claws male [mesh](350L)
- Hair: Tableau Vivant Editorial Laying, gacha [mesh](75L)
- Eyes: antielle Mermaid Eyes Blue [mesh]
- Skin: Kooqla Malus - Sea [BOM]
- Mesh head: Raven Bell James, Bento [mesh] (2000L)
- Body: Signature Gianni - Mesh Body [mesh](3500L)
- Pose: KAMI-HITOE :KH: mermaid pose 24 (350L)
Bishie Style is a blog to follow. Devin has a way of bringing together many elements into original, creative characters and the wit and imagination to give us a story with every post. I love this. He has his informational links on the right in a vertical column with the elements in the order most people would be likely to look for. His Review Policy page is as complete as can be, though his social media and other sites like Flickr, etc. are listed at the very bottom on his Review Policy page rather than the contact page or the About Me page, which is where I would look for them. I would suggest duplicating the information or moving it. The blog is very streamlined and simplified which The highlight, though, is the stories. I love the stories.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.