Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Moki Yuitza’s “My Ghost” is a stunning photo, eerie and bold. I asked her how she did it and it was deceptively simple: “‘My Ghost’ was made in a black lightbox, using a simple ambient light. I can't remember the specific WL I used, because I often try some to find the right one and then I forget to write the name.”
More intriguing explorations with light and shadows to come:

“He and his creatures…” is this amazing explosion of color. Moki uses the rule of thirds in her composition but the decision to place him right on the edge of the circle of light adds such a sense of menace. It is a great composition.
According to Moki, it “was made in an installation we were working on. The lights were built in the installation, like the yellow circle or the red lights behind, I was just lucky enough to find the right angle with my cam. For WindLight, if I remember well, it was Midnight (for the installation). “
“Pas de Deux” is a lovely illustration of light and shadow. She has recently done several shots of movement and dance. I love this idea of the hands dancing their own duet.
Moki works in GIMP, adding, “usually I use some blur and color correction, sometimes overlays to enhance some details. I don't have a typical workflow, I simply work to find the result I want to achieve.” Whatever her process, Moki Yuitza’s stream is full of beautiful, magical photos. She also links to music for some of her photos to give them added context.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.