Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Siobhan Muintir recently created “Dancing With Herself” from a picture she took at a Moulin Rouge dance performance. When I highlighted her work last week, I asked how she did it. Siobhan did keep track of her steps in making it to share with readers. This was all done using the online photo editor at Siobhan does not usually track her steps. In fact, she describes her process as “oh, I’m in a rabbit hole, let’s see where this one leads.”
Her explanation is after the cut:
The initial shots are clean simple lines, blocks of black with a single white opening in which the dancer was silhouetted. Fortunately she repeated the animated sequences so I knew the exact movements I wanted to capture.
I cropped each image to the same size and collaged them together, flipping a few to enhance the mirroring effect and flow.
I wanted to lighten the black and make her poses stand out, so I used Invert, and Panography to achieve geometric shaping and gradients in shading in the collage.
I liked the effect but it still looked a bit matter of fact. Happily I still had the non-inverted versions to overlay. Suddenly things came to life - it turned into a mirrored dance studio meets live performance.
Framing with reflection stretched and lifted the energy, adding loft and emphasizing the freedom and gravity-defiance that is dance.
When she puts it like that, it looks super-easy, doesn’t it?
Siobhan added, “It's lovely to have an opportunity to teach and encourage others. I have no formal artistic training, can't photograph squat irl, and use a simple graphics program, so it's amazing to me that my work caught your eye amongst all the amazing work in the SL Flickr universe.” She is far too humble. Her work is different from most and really stands out for its originality and bold vision.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
Many thanks, Cajsa, for featuring my artwork here. I'm honoured to have had an opportunity to share some of my process and I hope others will check out the Ribbet editing program.
Posted by: A Facebook User | Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 10:28 PM