Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
TinTin Tuxing’s “Little Daisy” just took my breath away. It is a marvelous headshot that vividly displays how showing less gives us more. Only a portion of her face is visible, but we can feel her mood and understand something about her. The use of layers to age the photo and its black and white all add to its effect. But lest you think it’s all romance and flowers and sentimentality, she provides a link to a song for her picture. And if you don’t click through to see it, you will miss half the fun.
To see her range, click on through.
“Wish You Was Here” is a photo that just makes me laugh. I love how she used a filter and color correction to give it the look of a vintage postcard. The layers adding age and perhaps a bit of spilled coffee all further the idea. It’s a cheeky and fun way to shoot a landscape. Her description includes the text of the postcard, a note from her and she completes the vintage feeling with her choice of song, Ketty Lester’s “Love Letters” from 1962.
“La Vie en Rose” is named after one of my songs, but Tintin introduced me to a new version, sung by Daniela Andrade. This picture is amazing. I love how she desaturated it then added a subtle pale gradient and then gave us this bold, brilliant scarlet red. It’s just magical.
On her about page, TinTin wrote, “The photos I take have a meaning and I put music or poems to them, some get very deep and show my moods if I'm happy or sad, I take photos for fun not to gain recognition, I try and vary my photographs. I guess we all have our own style.” She definitely meets her goal. Her photos are all very distinct and original and carry a powerful emotional impact. Definitely check out Tintin’s stream and her music choices. As you can see, they are as quirky and original as she is.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.