Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I featured Grant Valeska’s blog Blond back in February, so under normal circumstances it might be too soon to come back around, however since Grant is devoting their stream entirely to Halloween for the month, I just don’t want you to miss out on this great project. Here is Day One. A spooky gatekeeper into a world of the spooky and spectacular.
More spooktacular pics ahead!
“Buried Alive” is intriguing. The title suggests that a living person is in that plastic wrapped bundle. If so, perhaps the victim will be rescued because it does seem the killer has been caught in the act.
“The Waiting Room” is a hilariously macabre picture inspired by Beetlejuice. I love that each picture includes its inspiration
Be sure to follow Grant Valeska’s 31 Days of Halloween album. You should just follow Grant in the first place because their stream is wonderful, but this project is a don’t-miss project.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.