Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
The first time I saw a photo by Seduce, I didn’t follow him because I thought it was a screenshot from some MMO game, not a picture originating in Second Life. But I was wrong! Imagine! “The Last Dragon Fighter” is from Second Life. (After, he notes, “[a] few (plenty) modifications.”) He even provides credits. These are extraordinary digital paintings, many inspired by films and books.
Even more stunning and cinematic photos below:

“Master and Commander” is a stunning action shot inspired by the film based on the Patrick O’Brien novels. Seduce seems to stretch the possibilities of Second Life-based art.
I love the use of desaturation and color in “Sword of Doom.” There is the red flag and the golden sword that seems to glow from the heat. I also noticed the contrasting angles with the flag staff leaning left and the gateway leaning right.
Seduce’s timeline is full of adventure and stunning examples of what can be done with a Second Life screenshot and digital painting. Be sure to follow, you will be rewarded.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.