I love this virtual world variation on the "How It Started, How It's Going" meme from metaverse veteran Loki Eliot. (Click to embiggenate.) And no, that's not Habitat from the 80s at left, which was my original assumption.
"[It's] 3D Construction Kit on the Amstrad CPC 6128 in 1991," Loki tells me. Its not a screen grab of my own house, but it’s close to what i was making back then. It was my first experience of 3D creation."
And here's what it was like creating 3D content back then:
how it started: how it's going: pic.twitter.com/CKWqr8Lmls
— LokiEliot (@Demonkid) October 10, 2020
"Terrible, I was using a cheap joystick, didn’t have a mouse, it was like 0.5 frames per second to move, but at the time it was mind blowing. I was quite young then to so my imagination was bigger than my computer abilities so didn’t do much with it.
"It came with a huge manual and VHS tape. I soon forgot about it when Sonic the Hedgehog came along. Wasn’t until i fell into Second Life that i was reminded of it and amazed how far things had come along."
And at right is SL spinoff Sansar, where Loki now holds court in a full VR, high resolution Fort Loki -- click here to visit if you have Sansar installed.