Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Fliegenbeil Resident (aka anc aki) is a creator of dreamy, romantic decor objects. It’s completely fitting that his Second Life images are the dreamiest and most romantic on Flickr. Take “Hydrangea” for example. Doesn’t it look like a watercolor sketch? I love the neutral wall and stairs behind the flowers so the only “color” is the blue of the hydrangeas. It feels more like a painting than a screenshot.
When vendor pictures are art:
This image “Antique Cage Lamp” is a vendor picture that doesn’t feel like a vendor picture. It feels like art. Using an odd number of groups (five) and adding the three branches, using the rule of thirds for the tall branch, anc gives more visual interest to the picture. It adds depth and takes it out of the realm of traditional vendor pics and into the realm of art.
“Bubble light” appeals to me for a few reasons. They seem to be built-in bokeh lights for photographers, but then I think of sun dogs. These lights are not as symmetrical as parhelion is, but I can imagine it being used to create that iconic Minnsota winter phenomenon.
I always check on Anc aki’s stream because he is just so good at creating these calm pictures that are instantly recognizable. I mean, a person could make one of those meditative apps with his pictures in a slideshow with the Pachelbel Canon or something and it would definitely soothe a savage breast, soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
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