In keeping with previous US Presidential elections, selected neighborhoods in Second Life now resemble our collective unconscious, our anxieties and outrage taking on crude 3D form. 2020 being 2020, it isn't simply a matter of Trump supporters putting up small campaign signs outside their virtual homes -- but instead, say, a fifty foot billboard cube blaring out "KEEP AMERICA GREAT" in every direction.
And Second Life being Second Life, the response to that sign isn't simply someone putting up an equally large Biden/Harris 2020 billboard (though that's there, too). But also, people putting up a Communist Party headquarters right across the street, a Statue of Liberty in the yard next door, and floating above it in the sky, a giant, dancing, hot pink, Trump-shaped dildo.
Such is the scene in the region of Arket today, the last day before the last day of voting officially ends. And so as a last look at the waning election season -- and hopefully, of the Trump era too -- read on. (NSFW, obviously, unless I suppose you work at a dildo factory.)
This isn't the only outburst of election fever -- in fact, Linden Lab recently banned political billboards from mainland ad networks. Some SLers report other eruptions: "I've seen a lot of the Trump stuff at a random place where there was snow. I think it was a museum or something. Very creepy with the giant head following you around..."
But this nightmare all ends tomorrow. Right?
Hat tip: u/RaDiCaL_ReVoLuTiOn on Reddit.
People pay say they own this grass.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Monday, November 02, 2020 at 05:17 PM
As someone who is not from the usa but watches what is happening all i can say is that you Americans have lost your freaking minds. The citizens of the most privleged nation on earth are close to staring in the eyes of their neighbours child while they shoot their neighbours with no remorse. You have become so convinced that the other side is the personification of evil that you feel no remorse over the hatred you have for other. You should all be weeping in sorrow for what is in your hearts. Outside forces stir you up against each other but really it reveals what is truly within yourselves. What utter privilege It is to believe that you are so downtrodden that you are willing to kill your neighbour with both words and weapons. Lift up your eyes and look outside of your bubbles at other places on earth and then feel grateful for where you are!
Posted by: Aussie gal | Tuesday, November 03, 2020 at 03:52 AM
From another person watching outside the US. What is happening in the US reminds me of the Third Reich, where Germans who have been good friends with their Jew neighbours for 30 years, can suddenly turn them into the authorities, just because Hitler said to. Trump supporters treat him like an idol, they worship him. That's why he can do no wrong in their eyes, no matter what he says or does.
Posted by: Englishman who dislikes Boris | Tuesday, November 03, 2020 at 07:08 AM
Back on topic which was manifestations within Second Life - pretty tame really eh ser Au? Had a peek and not a shade of a shadow of a few years back.
Although it was on Zindra so probably all involved in - alternative beat poetry readings
Posted by: sirhc desantis | Tuesday, November 03, 2020 at 09:57 AM
The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum.
Posted by: Jacques Mesrine | Tuesday, November 03, 2020 at 01:20 PM
It was a little present from Canada for that fascist you have for a President. And no, it's not going to stop. He's murdering people with his constantly lying anti-science mouth. So expect more.
Posted by: Julia Pentulia | Wednesday, November 04, 2020 at 02:21 AM
Second Life was where I was first exposed to any kind of Marxist expression of any kind. I've just come to pay homage. Hope it's still a fun experience - I remember the old group who would hang around at Orientation Island or whatever. Good times. ~Opiate Placebo
Posted by: Opiate Placebo | Friday, April 29, 2022 at 05:32 AM