"This month has been great... if you're a shady individual of questionable morality." So begins the latest report from Charlie Traveler, reporter for Dual Universe Stellar Transmissions from the Dark Star Imperium clans... which is also the latest sign that a rich user community and culture is emerging in Dual Universe, the highly-ambitious, single-shard metaverse MMO we write about often here: That's right, since its launch last September, Dual Universe already has at least one embedded journalist. The news stories themselves are full of corporate vs. corporate intrigue reminiscent of Eve Online but on a grander scale. Of course I personally think an embedded reporter is the best sign of a virtual world's future, but then I'm somewhat biased.
"We were inspired off of a need to catalogue the history of the game," the Dark Star team leader tells me via YouTube, explaining the channel's inspiration and news-gathering approach. "[I]f we did not do this then the interactions and happenings in the community would fade into obscurity, with many people never being able to ever know things had happened. We gather things through a mix of people being able to self report and tip us off on things anonymously, as well as having reporters who crawl and aggregate information throughout the community."
Also interesting to me (and this might be a sign of slow user growth): Mr. Traveler reports the top ten player organizations by user numbers, and they're all in the low four to mid three figures. Which suggests Dual Universe's active userbase is probably in the low mid figures?
More Dual Universe stories below:
- Is Dual Universe Closest To Being A True "Metaverse"? Virtual World Expert Who Helped Define The Term Says So -- And Not Sansar, High Fidelity, Etc.
- Watch: Why Dual Universe's Version Of The Metaverse Is An MMO Kept Separate From The Real World
- The Metaverse Is Here: Now In Open Beta After 6 Years Of Development, Dual Universe's Lead Creator Speaks
9:30PM: Corrected the reporter credit, as the reports are a clan-driven production.