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Thursday, December 03, 2020


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Petra McKinnel

How on earth have I missed that?
All I've seen is lighning-speed combat, mostly with strangers, occasionally fighting beside a friend.
Where do they socialise afterwards?

Wagner James Au

Fortnite has a whole social hangout area with dancing, group movie watching, etc. with no combat:


Summer Haas

I share her sentiments about lack of emoji support. What's surprising though is when you ask other residents about it, they are either indifferent or adamantly opposed to it, which I think is reflective of the much older age demographic that largely makes up the regular users. And before anyone brings it up, yes I am aware of Windows+. but that only works on Windows 10 and is more of a workaround than a proper implementation.

Anyways, her work with megaprim.sl nudged LL to add support for larger prims, her Ajaxlife program spurred LL to work on a short lived SL chat program, which I believe is being reworked on now, her work on Exodus contributed to the addition of materials being added, and I have no doubt if she was still involved we would have emoji support today.

Valentina Kendal

I remember those stories about her from back in the day, I'm delighted to hear she has done well for herself! As someone who also recently came back to SL after 5 years away (I was active in SL 2006-15) her comments resonate. I feel a sense of nostalgia for the old SL, with lots of people being creative in lots of ways using the tools the gods made available to us, whether it was AVs, jewelry, landscaping, sex HUDs or art. There is definitely still creativity in SL, but so much of it feels creaky, as she says. I constantly find myself in Chat trying to do things I would do in WhatsApp, and the hardware demand for a good experience seems much higher than before. But as long as we keep paying, I don't think LL has much of an incentive to make things better.

CronoCloud Creeggan

Just because SL chat doesn't have some button you can click on to choose emoji doesn't mean it lacks emoji support, it supports Unicode, you can use any emoji you want.

Summer Haas

@Chrono OK boomer

Luther Weymann

The code that provides for a single login into multiple secure applications and databases across multiple disparate operating systems has long been established in the mainframe world. The 3M company in St Paul solved that in the early 1980s. Their problem was how to get consolidated business reporting across so many custom applications and multiple unrelated operating systems. During this early 1980's project, 3M also solved the passing of database tables from one database application to another database application across multiple operating systems. Today, that is how the mainframe world does its consolidated business reporting.

With the financial resources, the right people, the vision, and desire, Secondlife could have a new grid, a new Secondlife world. And in that new world, your current avatar could seamlessly teleport into that new Secondlife world from our current Secondlife and then teleport back. What assets it can go back and forth with is the real issue.

The mainframe business has been solving highly complex database problems like this for the past 35 years and making it work. I've seen it myself. I remain totally convinced this is attainable for Secondlife.

Ryan Schultz

Great blogpost! Thanks.

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