Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Cyberpunk 2077 was probably the most-anticipated game of last year. I’ve been looking for homage photos in Second Life, my main focus. While searching I found Wýstrach. She has several screenshots from the game itself and displays an artistic eye in all her pictures. For example, “Patience” shows her use of leading lines with the floor and ceiling leading us toward the avatar placed by the Rule of Thirds. The dark foreground and light background also creates a sharp division that directs us to the avatar.
More lush Cyberpunk photos ahead.
Wýstrach.’s “Motel” is a lushly colored noir picture suggesting a trace of menace. The car is parked in the “No Parking” area, suggesting a need to leave quickly. It is night and puddles remain after a heavy rain. Again, it’s just atmospheric suggestion suggesting the motel is poorly maintained, their parking lot uneven and puddled. Most of the motel seems unlit and empty. And of course, the reddish color of its lighting seems more menacing than the blue-white lighting in the background.
Wýstrach’s photosteam is an excellent collection from several video games. Alas, none from Second Life. It’s still worth spending time looking at the pictures as examples of good composition.
Meanwhile, Second Lifers, where are your Cyberpunk 77 homage photos? Tag me or post them below!
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.