Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
John Garrison’s photostream is a delight. He definitely has an eye for composition. Consider “The Last Chapter of Autumn.” Look at the use of diagonals, the restrained use of color, the placement of the boat. It is such a striking picture. The water almost seems like jelly which brought to mind one of my favorite passages in one of my favorite books, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon.” Rebecca West describes a placid lake surface as a “jelly in which rivers and reflections and even light itself foundered and were fixed. It would have been appropriate to come on this inspissation through tropical heat, but as we looked down on it we were blown on by the freshest sort of airs, winds from the sea and the peaks.”
I love this quote because of the specificity of the words. I didn’t know what inspissation meant. Who would? It’s the process of thickening by condensation. I love precise words, ones that replace entire ideas or functions with two or three syllables.
Excellent examples of composition ahead.
John shoots several pictures with Kit Boyd. He shoots and she shoots the same scene, though quite differently. I love this one in particular because again, he makes full use of lines to draw your eyes to the couple. There is excellent use of the Rule of Thirds. I also love how careful he is with restraining color, just yellow, browns, and golds.
This one, though, is the picture that first caught my eye. “Twas the night before Christmas.” is simply stunning. Again, he uses the Rule of Thirds, the baby taking two-thirds and the rime-covered brush another third. The berries arising from where they meet. There are the repeating triangles. The brush, the berry bush, and the peak of the cap. Again, the colors are restrained to white, red, and black. The sky is gorgeous, too, with the pinks and blues a pastel echo of the picture.
John Garrison’s photostream is simply gorgeous. And those who love SL exploration, he provides SLURLs to the places he highlights. He likes art installations and has many lovely photos from them. He and Kit explore SL and share their double vision through mutually linked photos of the scene. Be sure to follow them both.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.