Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Luke Ravenhurst’s untitled screenshot is very striking. I love the high contrast of black and white with the yellow and the browns. It is as though light itself forms the architecture of his picture.
For a laugh out loud humor, keep going:
I sure hope we are supposed to laugh at the man and the cactus doing their morning yoga. I like how the lighting silhouettes the duo with the distant mountains a lighter shade than the grass in the foreground. This is a similar color story, but Luke can go wild with color, too.
Who knew bright and colorful could be so menacing?
Luke Ravenhurst’s photostream is full of excellent pictures. Not all are family friendly, so check it out in private or with filters on. I think they are all aesthetically tasteful, but might cause issues at work if you browse during a coffee break. As a new account (July), he has only 285 followers and 61 photos, but he is definitely a good follow with a selection of excellent pictures.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.