Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I was immediately drawn to “Saying Goodbye” from Trisha Rose. It is beautifully composed directing my attention to the figures in the tree even though it does not follow the Rule of Thirds or Fifths or the Golden Mean. What’s going on? I had to download it, run it through GIMP's cropping guideline feature, and fiddle around seeing what gave it such appeal. Referencing this handy tutorial I recommend to image makers, I checked how its diagonals line up:
Well, there you have it.
The next picture sure rang true for me:
“The Weight of 2020” captures the feeling of inundation, the flood of crises that faced us in 2020 from the pandemic to the economic suffering it occasioned to the rising authoritarianism not just in the United States but throughout the world. The avatar is at home where she is her safest, but still inundated, her furnishing floating in the water.
“Passing Through” is an example of her more usual photos, just having fun and living life in SL. This looks like great fun.
Check out Trisha Rose’s photostream for fun SL adventures, stunning “arty” pictures, and also captures from games like Cyberpunk 2077. You will be glad you did.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.