Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
“2326” is a picture of the cyberpunk sim Drune and comes with Difficult Conundrum’s suggestion that you listen to OX1 from DJ Tommy Four Seven. Yes, the music suits the environment. I love how she presents this as a polaroid, something she does with many of her pictures. I love how the blurred picture suggests the frenzy of a city like Drune, all zip and zoom.
The next pic is the first one I saw and knew immediately I would feature her:
So I love pop art and this is a great example. Whiskey Monday sent me the link suggesting I check her out and I knew before I saw the rest of her stream that I would love her work. I love these bright, bold pictures. Her avatar becomes more about form than detail and the monotonal colors make it all about the form.
Oh wow! I am in love with this picture and the rest in her series. She abstracted her avatar photo to the most basic shapes and colors and then clipped and offset the picture again and again and created something new - a sort of fractured illustration.
Difficult Conundrum’s photostream is small but mighty. There are only 33 photos, but each one is worthy of being featured. I am so glad Whiskey sent me her way.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.