Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Pippa Laurie is loving her Second Life. “Au bord de l'eau cat: or At the water’s edge” is a beautiful landscape photo. I love the cat. It seems as though the gate and the leaves are a frame for the cat, highlighted in the sky. The colors are so rich and saturated. She kindly lists the SLURL on her Flick photo so that you, too, can say hi to the kitty.
More travels around the grid...
“Kidaka Twilight” is a beautiful picture of another sim with some elephants. There are three of them, following the rule of odd numbers.
“Dancing in the Dark” shows that Pippa can do people as well as landscapes. While her focus is on her travels, her portraits are well-executed and striking.
This reminds me of the person who inspired me to blog about the pictures I like by ranting about what was wrong with SL images. One of her rules was never use a background the same color as the clothes. You can see here that not only was she wrong in method, but also in fact. This gray and black on black is lush.
Pippa Laurie’s photostream is a delight for any SL explorer. I love that she includes SLURLs. She is imaginative and does an excellent job of framing her pictures.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.