Courtesy Caitlin Tobias, this week's virtual world location gracing New World Notes' banner is Golgothica in Second Life, a roleplay storytelling region inspired by Game of Thrones and other fantasy classics. As Caitlin writes on her blog:
Golgothica is for role-play and upon arrival you are supposed to dress to theme. A broad theme, as described above, and since I am an Elf I didn’t find it to hard to find an appropriate outfit for exploring... [Lead creator] Golgothica is a cool place, you should go and have a look! And I suggest you don’t wait too long, Hera’s regions usually do not have a long lifespan.
Know about another great virtual world location? Click here to submit an image, background info, and a link for readers to visit.
Click to embiggenate or see the large version on Caitlin's blog.