Anytime I watch clips from FOX's The Masked Singer, my first thought is, "Why are all these celebrities costumed up to look like furries from Second Life and VRChat?" So I was utterly unsurprised to read about Alter Ego, an upcoming reality competition show from the same TV network:
ALTER EGO is an all-new original singing competition where lost dreams and second chances are reignited when singers from all walks of life become the stars they’ve always wanted to be. However, these contestants won’t perform as themselves. Rather, they’ll be given the chance to show how they’ve always wanted to be seen, creating their dream avatar ALTER EGO to reinvent themselves and perform like never before.
So yes, pretty much Masked Singer meets singing avatars. The producers are directly reaching out to U.S.-based performers who sing in Second Life, and I imagine singers from other platforms are also welcome.
Go here to apply, and send to performers you know who should. To judge by the kind of questions the application asks -- "What personal struggles have you had to overcome?", "Has music/singing helped you overcome a challenge?" -- the producers are just as interested in the real life story of each applicant, as their actual voice.
Next question is, which great singers who perform in a virtual world should apply to be on this show?
If the show asked me, I'd immediately suggest reaching out to Keiko Takamaura, who got her start singing in Second Life which was then featured on MTV, and also Sean Ryan, who also got his start in Second Life and expanded to singing in massive mainstage shows in Europe, among other venues. How about you?
Isn't that the insurrectionist network?
Posted by: Fionalein | Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 08:28 AM
Not quite, this is the broadcast TV network (you know "The Simpsons", 'Bob's Burgers", etc.), not the cable "news" division.
Posted by: Wagner James Au | Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 10:59 AM
In fact, the Fox Entertainment Channel has regularly broadcast shows that mock Fox News, and on some occasions even itself with minimal repercussions for the creatives involved.
Posted by: camilia fid3lis nee Patchouli Woollahra | Saturday, May 29, 2021 at 08:01 PM