Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
“The Art of Dance” is a dramatic photo of that most dramatic of dances, the tango. It made me smile that the man has the flower in his teeth rather than the far more stereotypical woman. They are caught in the spotlight, forming the beautiful lines that would make dance judges reach for the 10 cards. It is just one of many widely varied photos from Maria Rodriguez’ photostream.
What’s an SL photostream without a bit of cheesecake? Click here:
Does cheesecake get much better than this? It’s dramatic with a hint of danger thanks to the choice of black and white and the subtle bits of fetish such as the mask/tattoo on her face. The angle of her head and the hat hide her face as well. That all adds to the drama. It’s erotic but not the least bit unsafe for work, the bits that bring down the ban hammer are all cleverly covered or cropped. The angle is evocative as well, suggesting it was taken by someone lying down below her. It succeeds on every level of cheesecakery. It’s fab.
“Friendship” gives us two women in very high heels and not safely situated on their Vespa in front of a moving streetcar. Somehow I don’t think this could end well anywhere but Second Life where avatars live forever. I like the picture, though. It’s fun, full of humor and, yes, friendship.
Maria Rodriguez’ photostream is a fun exploration of Second Life. Many of her photos are in response to challenges such as #SundayFunday, a Flickr tag with eighty pages of pictures, collected in the Sunday Funday Photography Challenge group. She also did a couple pictures for #AdamsPhotoChallenge, a recent challenge to show avatars in action. That reminds me to remind you to submit your entries to the #VirtualPride challenge by June 9th.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
Thank You so much for the accurate description of my pictures and the kind words about my Work, I feel very honoured. ♥
Posted by: Maria Correia | Friday, May 28, 2021 at 01:55 AM