Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Nora’s untitled picture is a fabulous naturalistic self-portrait. I love how comfortable and at-ease her avatar seems. She is kind enough to include the pose in the description. The pose is very appealing. Add to that, her use of black and white makes it all about light and dark, about shadows and contrasts, and she uses them brilliantly.
Nora really explores the different between pretty and beautiful, click here:
Again and again, Nora’s avatar portraits are beautiful, but they avoid being pretty. Beautiful is more interesting and less conventional than pretty. She has strong features and thick eyebrows and that makes her far more attractive and beautiful than a more conventional face. I love to see Second Life avatars who are interesting and beautiful because they are not conventional.
This untitled picture shows two men crossing the street while a woman leans against a building watching them. I love the way it suggests a story of folks with places to go, of a woman who does not. I love the contrast.
Nora’s photostream is a wonderful collection of pictures of avatar’s hanging out and socializing and self-portraits. Not all her pictures are black and white, but she does such fabulous black and whites, I can’t resist.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.