Here’s two new items from proud New World Notes sponsoring partner Really Useful Scripts Corner which effectively turn its Really Needy HUD roleplay tool into a combat system:
- The Injuries add-on for the HUD
- The new release of a sci-fi themed submachine gun that’s compatible with the HUD.
Ably demonstrated by Really Useful’s lead developer Grace7 Ling above, these items aren’t technically part of a combat system, but they can certainly be used as such:
“It is a natural extension to simulating physiological needs (hunger, thirst, energy, etc.) that roleplayers would also like to simulate health damage as a result of not meeting those needs, or due to injuries,” she explains. “The Linden Lab damage system is too simplistic and inflexible, while some other systems are focusing only on combat rather than roleplay.”
“The Injuries add-on enables wounds that automatically appear on your avatar’s body if shot by a firearm, courtesy of tattoo layers made by cosmetics creator Izzie Button, who is a partner.” It even displays bloody splatter and mist when a shot hits home, and also comes with walls that display bullet holes. (More features here.)
It was inspired by Second Life’s many roleplay communities where some users take on roles such as the police and EMT workers:
“I thought, what if your avatar could actually get hurt from a fall, suffer damage from burns or gunshot wounds? And after they are hurt, they might want to roleplay being assisted by a paramedic, or being hospitalised and having their vitals signs monitored.“
Grace foresees both tools being useful in survival / zombie holocaust / urban roleplay / dystopian-themed sims in Second Life:
“The scripting strives for new levels of realism,” she says. “I am told by a customer who owns many firearms that he has not seen such features in other guns in SL.”
Speaking of which, there’s many more Really Needy HUD-compatible firearms listed here.
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