Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Lien Lowe’s “Mousehole” is a great example of using the foreground as a frame. The poppies circle the tree and also provide a sense of perspective. It’s a beautiful landscape. There is this slightly golden tint to everything giving it a feeling of age that makes it feel almost like a painting.
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Again, she does this delicious bit of framing in “Home Is Where I Live With You.” The trees, the picket fence, and the porch frame the kites and do it so naturally it looks as though it happened by chance, a moment of serendipity. I love how a carefully executed picture such as this can still suggest it was pure happenstance. I also love how she divides the picture into approximate thirds both vertically and horizontally, the land, the sea, and the sky and the trees, the open sky, and the porch. It’s very striking.
“Blur” made me laugh a bit. I guess you could also call it “Stop Means Stop” as there seems to be a bit of overkill with the signage since if you didn’t stop at the barrier you would come to the end of a field of sunflowers. Of course, there are the trees which, if they curve as these do, indicate a river. So perhaps you had better stop.
Lien Lowe’s photostream is full of delightful landscapes with a few avatar pictures of her and her presumed significant other. I love her use of framing and the natural, bucolic settings she finds. She kindly includes the SLurls so her followers can check the sims out for themselves.
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