Here's results of my survey aimed at Quest owners, asking if they would buy VR apps for their headset if it contains ads. (As Facebook recently announced would start happening soon.)
Of the 50 respondents, a majority answered that they would never buy or use a Quest app with ads, while a much smaller 18% answered that they are less likely to buy/use an app with ads. That effectively comes out to 3 in 4 Quest owners surveyed who are negative about ads.
By contrast, only 10% of respondents said they were receptive to Quest app ads if this made a given app lower cost or free. (I'm personally somewhat surprised more did not answer this way.)
So Quest owners are overwhelmingly negative about ads in their apps! However, I doubt Oculus owner Facebook cares all that much:
After all, when the iPhone launched its App Store, paid apps dominated. In a very short time, however, ad-driven free apps came to rule the market.
Seriously, take a look: Literally 199 out of 200 of the top grossing iPhone games currently are free to play, supported by ads and/or in-app payments. I suspect Facebook sees Quest usage going in a similar direction.