Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I love this picture from Adam Cayden’s photostream. I love how he shot it on an angle so there are these diagonal lines going to the upper right while his avatar goes to the upper left. I love the blue paint fading away to brown with his brown clothing and guitar creating this marvelous color story. It’s beautifully composed. Add to that the fun of following a sim explorer from place to place, all with tunes and SLurls, and his stream is a delight.
For some excellent roleplay, click here:
Adam also creates some excellent roleplay pictures such as “Tonight I drink in Valhalla” which gives us a dying Viking whose Valkyrie escort is ready to take him to Valhalla. I like how stark this is. It’s very minimalist. The natural environment seems to narrow to its essentials as though seen the the narrowing perspective of someone who is dying.
“To the moonshine...and back” is an homage to the video game Red Dead Redemption that produces such great in-game scenes. It is, however, shot in Second Life at Lost Mesa. I love how it is all backlit, giving it that sun-drenched feeling of the Southwest.
Be sure to check out Adam Cayden’s photostream. If you like to explore SL, his stream is a handy travel guide. All his pictures come with Slurls. He is also the person who recreated the famed “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” I featured a few months back. His pictures often tell a story and come with musical suggestions that add another layer to the story he is giving us.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog
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