“A friend introduced me [to Second Life] a few months ago," Billie Echo (above) tells me, "It’s quite interesting.” The inspiration for her avatar's appearance (also above) is also interesting:
"Actually, I was going for a tall vitiligo queen but a lot of wonderful mistakes were made. But I don't regret it." (Her father is from Benin, where many people have vitiligo.) Now, she wants "to use this platform to spread awareness about vitiligo and albinism."
Billie Echo's SL/RL photo is one of dozens now on Facebook with the tag #slvsrl, launched in Holger Gilruth's Facebook group for SLers, featuring pics of avatars alongside their real life owners. Displayed with their permission, here are ten of my favorites, featuring the owners' explanation for their avatar's appearance:
Domenico Mariotti on his avatar: “It's done with high quality components but at the same time it's very simple, a natural boy without anything ‘strange’, relaxed and casual most of the time. He has no tattoos, no piercings… [I look] stranger in real life. (Have all my back tattooed, pierced nipples, etc.)”
Joel Tamas on his avatar: “The thing I am most grateful for about SL is bringing my band Red Heaven, and my music to friends and followers and sharing it with them. It's been a real gift for me... It's been a huge source of joy in my life for more than a decade. My promotional material for my band includes me wearing a lot of goggles and ridiculous outfits, and the masks I wear on my avatar sort of reflect that. I try to harmonize the look of the avatar with my RL look so that the official photos look somewhat alike.”
Pinki Crystal on her avatar: Oh I wanted my avatar to be like my real face. My clothes reflect what I would like to wear in real life. To sum up, I wanted an atypical and unique physique that would not be identical to the others. An androgyne style.”
Khalissa Raine on her avatar: Originally I wanted it to be like my IMVU character but nobody seemed to know how to do that for me. So I ended up getting it custom-shaped by this chick and I fell in love with the face shape... But my avi looks like me in real life; was not at all intentional. Like one day I put a picture of myself and my avi together and was like, Oh my god they look alike.”
Nini Ben on his avatar: “[It’s an] attempt to make it appear from the current generation [while evoking] nostalgia for the past.”
Elise Enzo on her avatar: “[She’s] how I see myself in my mind… pretty much how my avatar looks and behaves. Sexy and playful. Unique, stylish, confident yet insecure. A Gemini for sure.”
Elffir Rehs on her avatar: "I wanted to be a bit 'unique', but also be as true to my real life image as I can. I'm not really looking for romance, I am mainly in Second Life now for one of my SL family of 10+ years [who's a real life] friend."
Parker Riley on her avatar: “Honestly, I just wanted to make her pretty. I have always had an appreciation for nice looking avatars. I had no intentions of having her look like me IRL but somehow she kinda does. Which I didn't really notice until this #slvsrl challenge.”
Jocelynn Adeline Revna on her avatar: “My inspiration to my avatar was to not stray too far from my own resemblance. After all, she is me! I changed her eye color because I’ve always wanted different colored eyes than brown. That about sums it up.”
See the rest of the #slvsrl contributions here. More avatar profiles featured here soon!
Its fine and all but their people not being honest if they
Only problem is some people are not being honest are stealing picture from Instagram from people that are not their pictures. Its pathetic that people are pretend to use other people photo's not saying everyone does. Best to be yourself don't do it at all. Because a liar and faking who you are will only make people walk away. Second life might be place to be what you want but if your gonna show a real picture just be honest. To many people use Photoshop people have lines under their eyes. Yandex.com does not lie when look photo in search. But its not good to steal other people pictures its against copy right facebook does allow fake accounts or fake photo's think sl needs to get on people for using stolen photo's. People wanna be genuine use picture with out all the face filters.
Posted by: tana | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 01:46 AM
Great people being honest being them self.
But when I find someone lies to me who they are I not having thing to do with them any more I don't want anyone fake in my life.
Posted by: Daria | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 02:10 AM
Thought you might enjoy these SL avatars, archived from 14 years ago...
Posted by: Richard Minsky | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 04:02 AM
Portraying one's self in cartoon form doesn't feel like the best vehicle for ridding your life of fakeness, does it? Puhhhhhlease.
I take these offerings for what they are, part of a virtual fantasy world.
At best, it's Facebook. That's not saying much about honesty.
Posted by: MmmHmm | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 10:37 AM
There are 2 ways how you can live... Beliefe in the good of the people or believe nothing. I take first choice
Posted by: Holger Gilruth | Monday, July 26, 2021 at 02:49 PM
Well said!
Speaking from my experience, people are generally honest about their RL appearance in this context. I think we're running up against the stubborn stereotype of what all virtual world users are supposed to look like IRL.
Posted by: Wagner James Au | Monday, July 26, 2021 at 02:56 PM
stop distorting face with a fake smile.. that's not real...
Posted by: Isabella | Monday, July 26, 2021 at 04:44 PM