Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Azaria is a photographer in both her first and Second Life. She is skilled in taking pics in both worlds so sometimes it’s hard to know what world a picture came from. For example, “Hunted” is realistic enough, I had to check to confirm it was from Second Life. In her About section, she wrote, “Shadows, light, emotions, depth, and movement are the things that make any image good!” You can see that in play in this great picture. (I also confirmed that she placed it in a few SL groups on Flickr to be certain.)
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This untitled picture is one of several endearing couple pics in her stream. I love that her couple pics show her and her love participating in life, running with their dogs, sightseeing, lazing in the water. Yes, there are a few PDAs, but none are the sort that will get you suspended at work. I love this one because it is so beautifully cropped using the Golden Ratio that their intertwined limbs made me think of a Nautilus shell. Of course, it is not exactly like the shell, but it is reminiscent.
Could this be any sweeter? “Minor Delay” gives us a cat on an open window ledge enjoying a little bit of latte in the misty early morning sunshine. It reminds me of when I lived in a small town at the bottom of a steep mountain canyon. The air was always foggy and heavy with mist in the early morning and there would be this nearly permeable sunrise in the narrow band not shadowed by the mountains rising on both sides of the canyon. Her sunlight is as liquid rich as a canyon sunrise and it is beautiful. The adorable kitten is just bonus.
Azaria’s stream is a constant delight. I love her RL photos as well as her SL photos. All are beautifully composed. For example, one of her couple pics, “Gone Fishing,” is an excellent example of creating diagonal lines. One of my favorites is “One Headlight” and like “Hunted” had me vacillating between RL and SL. She is definitely one to follow and I have mad respect for her opinion on what pictures to give a favorite and how many groups to place your pictures into.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog
great post. love Azaria's work.
Posted by: CybeleMoon | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 04:45 AM