"I was inspired by my real look," a Second Life user named "Rainhaindiamorena" tells me. In real life, she continues, "I'm a Brazilian singer. I live in Bahia. I tried to make the avatar with my style. black with braided hair Rainha. In Second Life I sing in different lands."
Her SL/RL photo is one of dozens now on Facebook with the tag #slvsrl, launched in Holger Gilruth's Facebook group for SLers, featuring pics of avatars alongside their real life owners.
See part one of my mixed reality profiles here. Displayed with their permission, here are ten more of my favorites, featuring the owners' explanation for their avatar's appearance:
Erick Naidoo on his avatar: “I always liked to make my avatar have my essence with some details that I could not have in real life.” Yes, he’s referring to his avatar’s massive ear piercing: “I live in a conservative country (Peru) and having that type of ‘arrangements’ closed many doors for you at that time.”
Steven Manchester on his avatar: “Honesty? It was something I kind of ‘fell’ into. I was a human female for years on SL. One day I was on the Marketplace looking for something... .don’t remember what. And I ran across a set of blue demo skins from [SL brand] Fallen God's. So on a whim I got it. One of the demos appealed to me so I went to the in-world store and got the full version. That was about 3 or 4 skins ago. I would go back sometimes and see what they had in other blue shades. The one I have now is actually from a complete avi. I like the idea of looking completely non human yet wearing regular clothes... and GLASSES.”
Rogue Rollins on her avatar: “I created my avatar during the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine. I fashioned her to look like me, this gave me a mental health outlet, outside of being quarantined.”
Luanne Robbins on her avatar: “I looked at a lot of [skin] demos. I picked the one I like the best and went with it, I haven't messed with it. She wears clothes that I would wear IRL. My post had two very different looks. One is much more casual, much more realistic….
“I did a lot of experimenting with my classic avatar until I found a look that really worked for her. I was pretty stubborn against going all mesh. Then I bought the Maitreya [body] just before Bakes on Mesh hit the Marketplace. I am all mesh and BOM now. It's great, (almost) everything fits. I have blogged my experiences in SL from the very beginning, on August 30, 2018, until now. I am also very into the Drivers of SL, and I run the Facebook group.”
Anelei Ibáñez on her avatar: “Well, first, I wanted my avatar to be like me, Latina, and a little had of me and a little of the singer Selena Gomez, because I really like the song ‘Love You Like A Love Song’.”
Amanda Howard-Langham on her avatar: “She's a work always in progress. I started trying to make her look like me in RL, and she just evolved over a few years.”
Karsyn Rayne Luckstone on her avatar: “I wanted something different and I’ve always loved the idea of elves.”
Mika Gerberg on her avatar: “I won't even say for sure, but my avatar is almost always made with such features and looks like me. We can say that the hand itself edits such a profile.
“I've been thinking about it and decided to tell you a little about my avatar: when I came to SL and started collecting my avatar in the Gothic style. I first made the avatar's face using a ready-made shape and skin, and then I wanted something of my own. Thus, the avatar was born almost like myself. With each change of [mesh] head, I still got an avatar with such a face, just my hand is already [editing toward] one style.
“Friends who know me from real photos said that the avatar looks like me, but I didn't attach any importance to this.”
See the rest of the #slvsrl contributions here. More avatar profiles featured here soon (hopefully)!
Posted by: Anelei Ibañez | Sunday, August 01, 2021 at 01:03 PM
nice though
Posted by: mia | Friday, August 06, 2021 at 04:41 PM