Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Aisha Cahir’s blog Kawaii Fashion Free features great pictures with excellent credits. “Look 1445” has lovely big pails of tulips and a fun bike that I want in real life.
- Tulips: Springtime Tulips Planters {What Next}.
- Bicycle Pose: Pose Bento In The Sun Fashiowl Poses with12 bento poses, Bike and decor, plus pose stand @ Happy Weekend for 60 Lindens.
A scythe usually means death; if so, you can see a very kawaii killing clicking here:
This gorgeous young woman in an adorable shepherdess costume for a very upscale Little Bo Peep is carrying a scythe. Now, sure, she could be cutting hay, but I think I will imagine her as the most kawaii representation of Death you will ever find. Photographed at Lost Unicorn (to teleport, click here)
- Dress: Dress La Boheme Junbug.
- Eternidad Fatpack: Eternidad Crown & Flowers with texture Hud + Eternidad Collar with texture hud + Eternidad Weapon with texture HUD *Tentacio* - The Crystal Heart Evento.
Kawaii Fashion Free is a strikingly restrained and disciplined blog considering the exuberant abundance in her photos that are full of decor, flowers, and all the stuff that fits. She has a search icon on the upper right and a small dropdown menu in the upper left. The Menu provides her name, drop-down access to archives and tags, the logos of her affiliations, and a list of feeds she is on. The blogs feature one large picture and the credits. She includes SLurls where applicable. The only extraneous thing is the cursor changing into a rain cloud. I really like her sensibility and think the only thing she should do to improve her blog is to add social media links to her Flickr, Facebook, and SL Profile. I would like everyone to list creators’ names in their credit, but only because creators go and rebrand and become hard to find.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
The bike resembles the RL Schwinn Meridian, so you can get it in RL
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 09:52 PM